A Dangerous Double Standard: Chad, Mali, and Troubling International (In)Action

June 4, 2021 On May 24, Colonel Assimi Goïta ordered the arrests of Malian President Bah N’daw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, who both subsequently resigned while in prison. On Sunday, Mali’s constitutional court declared Goita to be the country’s interim president. These shocking events, coming only months after the previous government of Ibrahim BoubacarContinue reading “A Dangerous Double Standard: Chad, Mali, and Troubling International (In)Action”

Foreign Policy Links for the week ending 4/2/2021

April 2, 2021 For the first time in a few months, personal scheduling difficulties means that there will be no new review post this week. However, that does not mean there are not TONS of interesting reports, briefs, articles, and commentaries being produced that I have been reading (and you should too!). To that end,Continue reading “Foreign Policy Links for the week ending 4/2/2021”

What I have to offer you, that’s as good as it’s going to get. And it won’t ever get that good again: Revisiting the text of JCPOA

January 8, 2021 With less than two weeks remaining until Joseph. R. Biden Jr. is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, it appears that Iran has realized that the time has come for them to strengthen the cards that they have to play as they face the prospect of returning once againContinue reading “What I have to offer you, that’s as good as it’s going to get. And it won’t ever get that good again: Revisiting the text of JCPOA”

Leaving Something on the Table

As the year draws, mercifully, to a close, it is a good time to not only take stock of what has occurred during the preceding twelve months, but to look ahead at what may come in the new year. This past year was, for many, exceedingly trying, with the coronavirus pandemic affecting countries around theContinue reading “Leaving Something on the Table”

Reinvigorating the Transatlantic Alliance

Earlier this week, the European Commission released a “Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: A new EU-US agenda or global change” which outlined 4 areas in which the United States can reinvigorate its transatlantic partnership with the EU. These areas, Health, Climate Change, Tech Standards and Trade, and StrengtheningContinue reading “Reinvigorating the Transatlantic Alliance”

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