Lurching from Crisis to Crisis: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Untenable Status Quo

April 1, 2022 On Wednesday, March 29, a Palestinian gunman, allegedly armed with an M-16 assault rifle, murdered five people in Bnei Brak, a religious suburb on the outskirts of Tel Aviv in Israel. The incident brings the number of those killed by militants in recent days to eleven, and has heightened fears of anotherContinue reading “Lurching from Crisis to Crisis: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Untenable Status Quo”

The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process After the 2021 Crisis

August 13, 2021 This week, the International Crisis Group, in conjunction with the U.S. Middle East Project released a new report, “Beyond Business as Usual in Israel-Palestine”, which assessed the events leading up to and during the crisis that occurred in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem during April and May of thisContinue reading “The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process After the 2021 Crisis”

Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program – Capabilities and Proxy Proliferation

May 7, 2021 As recently as April 18, two foreign contractors and three Iraqi soldiers were wounded when rockets were fired at Balad air base, hitting a dormitory and a canteen. On March 3, a fusillade of rockets were fired on Ayn al Asad air base in Iraq’s western Anbar Province. Both attacks, by Iran-backedContinue reading “Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program – Capabilities and Proxy Proliferation”

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