Unaccountable is Unacceptable: On the Need to Increase U.S. Security Sector Accountability

April 21, 2023 As a recent report from the Stimson Center and the Center for Civilians in Conflicts’ (CIVIC) Rosie Berman, Dan Mahanty, and Annie Shiel argues, “accountable state security institutions are a cornerstone of good governance,” and that when, “governments fail to hold…their security institutions accountable, or when external and internal sources of instabilityContinue reading “Unaccountable is Unacceptable: On the Need to Increase U.S. Security Sector Accountability”

The Perils of a New U.S.-Saudi Strategic Compact

July 1, 2022 According to most media reports, President Biden will be heading to the Middle East later next month—making stops in Israel, the West Bank, and finally Saudi Arabia—where he will allegedly be looking to mend fences with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after calling the kingdom a “pariah” on the campaign trail, andContinue reading “The Perils of a New U.S.-Saudi Strategic Compact”

Foreign Policy Links for the Week Ending 10/22/2021

October 22, 2021 For just the second time this year, personal scheduling difficulties will mean that there will be no traditional blog post this week. However, that does not mean that there has not been a number of fascinating articles and reports released in recent weeks which I have not had a chance to coverContinue reading “Foreign Policy Links for the Week Ending 10/22/2021”

A People-First US Assistance Strategy for the Middle East…and Beyond

June 25, 2021 On June 10, Ilan Goldenberg, Daphne McCurdy, Kaleigh Thomas, and Sydney Scarlata at the Center for a New American Security published the report, “A People-First U.S. Assistance Strategy for the Middle East”, which strongly advocates a rebalancing of the U.S. assistance mix to the region away from a focus on security assistanceContinue reading “A People-First US Assistance Strategy for the Middle East…and Beyond”

Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program – Capabilities and Proxy Proliferation

May 7, 2021 As recently as April 18, two foreign contractors and three Iraqi soldiers were wounded when rockets were fired at Balad air base, hitting a dormitory and a canteen. On March 3, a fusillade of rockets were fired on Ayn al Asad air base in Iraq’s western Anbar Province. Both attacks, by Iran-backedContinue reading “Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program – Capabilities and Proxy Proliferation”

Kadhimi’s Conundrum: Combating Corruption and Kleptocracy in Iraq

April 30, 2021 As the United States’ time in Afghanistan comes to a close and it increasingly looks like the U.S. is leaving behind a dysfunctional state governance structure behind, it is a good time to look at another of the U.S.’ “forever wars” in Iraq and see if the situation is any better. ThisContinue reading “Kadhimi’s Conundrum: Combating Corruption and Kleptocracy in Iraq”

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